Friday, May 9, 2014

IT12 - Everyone should be focused on Ch 5, 6 & 7.  There are about 20 class days left to finish.  Plan your time effectively. 

BTW - Your presentations were great!!

History 11 - I passed back a test today.  Many marks were excellent.  If you didn't do as well as you wished, come in for extra help before the end of next week and then we can arrange a re-write.

Upcoming Deadlines:
Wed. - May 14 - Newspaper Heading Project (worth marks)
Wed. - May 21 - Essay Outline (worth marks)
Friday - May 30 - Essay due

You can pass your essay in before the 27th and I will review it and give you feedback.

Math 10 - We are doing an assessment piece today.  We started a trigonometry unit yesterday.  We'll work on Trig and parallel lines right until the end.