Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's been a great week so far, and yes... we have homework!!

Math 11 - We are working on a math pretest to get our minds back into shape.  Homework:  Finish it by Friday.  We are checking it in class.

Math 10 - Our problem of the day challenge has really started the wheel turning.  We are going to have our first quiz tomorrow on divisibility rules.  If our practice questions haven't prepared you enough, you better look over the divisibility sheet tonight.    Also, please finish to #11 on the pre-test package.

ICE 11 - We had a great class today.  Sebastian Mallette won the prize (am autographed racing poster)!!  He figure out the "Tool of the Day"!  We read today from the handout,"Where the Energy Goes".  For homework, complete the learning summary for that reading.

Nautical Studies 11 - Today we reviewed boating terms and students decided that they would like the test on Monday.  Also, we worked on the Canadian Safe Boating Guide.  Homework: Complete the learning summary of questions.