Monday, September 30, 2013

Homeroom - Bring your immunization permission form whether you are getting the neddle or not.  (Tues/Tomorrow is needle day). 

Try to sell 1 or more subcriptions for the magazine campaign and support the fund raising efforts of your student council.  They use the money to fund special events for YOU!

BBT -  we finished Day 6. Determine whether you need to spend some out of class time working on your module.

Math 10 - Homework tonight:
p.155 - 11, 14, 16(a-c)
If you have not handed in your crossword puzzle or Polynomial Sheet #1, they are due.

Math 11 - Homework: Finding Slope Worksheet #1 & 2 (one side only on each worksheet)

GAD 11 - Your eco friendly box was due last Friday.  Continue working on the new "Friday topic" called Speed.