IT11 - Students are working on Ch. 2. All assignments are available so students can work ahead. The unit deadline is on Feb. 12. We will write a test on that day.
History11 - This week we examined some Absolute Rulers. Students worked in pairs to submit an electronic profile of an Absolute Ruler of their choice. It was due lastWednesday.
Now we are looking at the Enlightened Phylosophers of the period who had a tremendous influence on society and government (including our own). Students are creating notes in chart form to characterize their belief in sociery and goverment. Needs to be completed today (Friday). In addition, there are 3 questions to complete in the textbook about Adam Smith and Laissez-Faire economics.
Monday, we will look at rulers of 3 countries and see if they have become "Enlightened" as a result of the Enlightened Phylosophers. Guess the answer! Next week we will have to examine the causes of revolution.
Students should be reviewing, reading, and studying their notes and work each night.
Math 10 - Homework was listed on here for most of the week. Some students are not completing it each night. I check regularly. It is one of the best ways to make sure that you are understanding the topics.
We wrote a quiz yesterday. I will be passing it back today. That is also a good indicator of whether you are understanding the topic.
No homework this weekend.
On Monday, we will be working on Sale Price. Homework:p.36 - Activity 1.4 and p. 37-8 Building your Skills
Bronze #1-3
Silver 1-6
Gold #1-7