IT12 - Marks have to be put on report cards by next Friday, therefore, anyone that hasn't written the Chapter 3 (Unit 2), test must do so by Tuesday. Also, all assignments up to the end of Unit 2 will have to be in by Thursday.
History 11 - We spent most of the week starting our report/essay. Your handout tells you what must be in the report and the rubric shows how it will be assessed. Thesis statements should have been handed to me today (Friday). If you submit your report/essay early, I will give you feedback so you can improve your mark.
The next test will be very soon so you should be starting to study some each night.
Math 10 - Today we learned how to write cheques. Your homework is to complete the timesheet for the other 3 employees and write the cheque and cheque stuff for each.
D.E. (Distance Ed.) - students only receive a final mark (no mark on the upcoming report card).