Welcome Back!
I will update my classroom blog a couple times each week to show what we are doing in class, when tests are scheduled, and homework. Please check regularly!!
Math 11 - We are starting with some review from last year to get your brains in math mode. Today we had a short class. Tomorrow, we will cover expectations, code of conduct, classroom rules, and I will send home a course outline for parents to sign.
Math 10 - We finished all our "hosekeeping" stuff today. You have homework... do you remember... have your parens sign the contact sheet and return it to me tomorrow. It's time to think divisibility rules... stay tuned!
Internal Combustion Engines 11 (I.C.E.) - Today you had your first notes for the course. Our main emphasis is working safely. We will go on a shop tour tomorrow and start by learning about the "inefficiency" of engines. Don't forget your Safety Glasses and Work Boots.
Natical Studies 11 - Today we discussed the course outcomes and we talked about the Fishing Master IV certificate available to professional fishermen. Tomorrow... common parts of a boat.