Sunday, June 9, 2013

Info Tech -  Exam presentation on Tuesday @8:30 in the Tech Lab.  This is the final outcome in the course.  It is worth 20% of the year.  Topic of your choice; 20 minute presentation following the guide on good presentations which was provided.

History 10 - Exam on Wednesday @ 8:30 in the Great Hall.  The exam covers everything in the semester as presented on the review sheets.  (Note: My block 2 History students will write this on Tuesday, not Wednesday.)

BBT 9 - Exam project on Wednesday @ 8:30 in the Tech Lab.  As this is exam is project based, there is no need to study.  It will take up to 3 hours to complete. 

Note: My exemption list is near the door outside my classroom.  Remember, you are only eligible for up to 2 exemptions.