Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Welcome Back for Semester 2.  Here is some information about the courses that I will be teaching.

Block 1: Info Tech 12
Student in IT12 will be learning about the Microsoft Office Suite of programs.  The course outline shows the units to be covered, the assessment values, and the timeline for term 1.

Tomorrow we will start working.  Each student has the entire course outlined so they can work ahead.  It is important to stay caught up.  It is up to each student to decide how many exercises they want to complete.  In other words, if you want to make 100% all you have to do is complete the number of exercises to get 100 marks.

Students can work at home if they have Office 2007.  The Tech Lab is open 3 noon hours each week and most days after school.

Block 2: History 112
This is a college prep course that looks at several aspects of history from pre-French Revolution up to the present. The course outline shows the units to be covered, the assessment values, and the chapters from the textbook.

Students will have to complete at least one 1500 word essay with proper references, research and present topics to the class, and complete regular assignments that can include partipating in classroom discussions.

No homework tonight.

Block 3: Math 10: Geometry, Measure, and Finance
Now that students have completed the Pre-Calculus portion of the year, we will be moving on to more practical, but still challenging math. 

Today we started Unit 1: Ch. 1.  It looks at 3 different ways of writing and calculating proportions.  Later, we will look at converting money into different currencies.

Homework:  Explain the 10 terms on p. 10 of the textbook.  The answes are written in brown on side of the pages in the chapter.  I will be checking to see that they are completed for tomorrow.

Block 4 & 5: Distance Ed.
Students enrolled in Distance Ed. courses on the computer are expected to be in class and working for the duration of their period.  Today we registered students for courses, so likely tomorrow, their online teachers will have their courses ready to go.  My job is to act as the local facilitator in the event that they need assistance using the technology.  Their online teacher will contact me periodically to report on their progress.  The most important thing about completing D.E. courses is to stay caught up.  Work can be done at home if you have access to a computer and the internet.